Author Academy Bookstore


Welcome to Day Five!


Author - Sonia Young & Dale Dwyer

Please select which of the books below you want for 50% OFF the regular price!

A mother daughter duo recounting the life of an amazing, disabled husband and father.

Author - Julie Burge

Julie lives in the Blue Mountains area of Sydney, Australia. Julie’s love of all things German came to her from a young age and has remained with her with an intense connection with Hildegard von Bingen.  Julie has increasingly spent more time journeying within discovering her inner world. This gave Julie the opportunity to find out more about who she is in this lifetime and in past incarnations.  Julie is continually working with Spirit to evolve her soul. Julie is a seer and is a trained medium and provides channelled readings. Julie also works as an aromatherapist.

Our 2022 Sponsors

Author Academy
The Book Printing Company
Sue Kennedy Publishing

Sneak Peak at Day Six

Join us tomorrow to meet our next three amazing authors:  

James Mullier, Nancy Messina and Sue Kennedy

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