Author Academy Bookstore


Welcome to Day Two!


Author - Danielle RG

DanielleRG is a Western Sydney Community Artist known for her mural work through out Western Sydney schools and communities. DanielleRG is a leader in developing community art based projects with a social and mental health impact for the past 17 years. Developing Stitches Collection Therapy dolls to raise awareness of Mental health, Health and Social Justice issues and opening up dialogue with the next generation through creative works, developing Stitches Wellbeing program for primary schools which the Stitches Book series will be included.

Author - Chris Willoughby

Chris Willoughby is finishing several books to hopefully publish, creates animated films (one was recently shortlisted in Singapore Centre for Quantum Technology's Quantum Shorts, another won the inaugural prize of that competition), makes animatronic puppets, and is making an interactive videogame conjoined with an impending print book. His animations and animatronics can be seen on his youtube channel glenktv.

Our 2022 Sponsors

Author Academy
The Book Printing Company
Sue Kennedy Publishing

Sneak Peak at Day Three

Join us tomorrow to meet our next two amazing authors:  

Jennifer Navin and Joni Scott

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