The novel came into being in the 18th century as a construction defined
Welcome to the #1 Book Box
Your monthly dose of great reads
A special Book Box delivered straight to your door!
Do you love surprises? Do you love to read?
Then the #1 Book Box is the perfect way to pamper yourself or someone special!
Sit back and relax. Each month we send you the Book Box with special treats/gifts inside!
Enjoy a special book each month chosen by our team of enthusiastic book lovers.
What we do
We love our books and love to share all the amazing stories we have in our bookstore!
We decided that it was time to share with you some really great reads delivered straight to your door!
Each month The Book Box will arrive on your doorstep with a surprise book along with some lovely items for you to enjoy!

The Book Box #1
Our first book box is for people that enjoy a variety of different genres. In this box you will receive not only your surprise book of the month but also a selection of items to help you enjoy your reading time!

The Book Box #2
Our second book box is targeted to our audience with children. Whether it's a book to read to your children or one that they can enjoy on their own. This book of the month is sure to bring a smile to your little ones face. They also get surprise items to go along with the book.
“Good books, like good friends, are few and chosen; the more select, the more enjoyable.”

Why not start your own book meetup group?
Book groups are very popular and a great way to catch up with your friends. Whether you do this online or in person we have you covered!
Allow us to take the pressure off by choosing the right book for your group. We will send The Book Box out to each person in your group ready for you to read, discuss and enjoy!

for the love of reading!
Who doesn't love a good book? Don't you just love to feel and smell a new book in your hands?
We have many great books available for you to read and enjoy each month. If you are an avid reader or know someone that is, why not get our beautiful Book Box delivered straight to your door each month!
What Others Say
Books are just the best thing! I am so happy to have found The Book Box. Not only do I enjoy reading, I love surprises. All of which The Book Box delivers. Thank you.
Anna Olson
Avid reader
There are never enough books! It is so wonderful to receive a book each month to add to my collection of good reads.
Emma Stewart
Book lover
Thank you for creating The Book Box, I look forward to my parcel arriving each month to see which amazing author I will enjoy and not to mention my little surprises alongside the book. Thank You...keep sending those great books!
Julie Moore
Stay at home reader
Enjoy a New Book Each Month
The Book Box is the ultimate for all avid readers young and old.
Check out the options we currently have available below:

My passion is books....lots of them! As the founder of the Author Academy Bookstore I wanted to make sure that authors were recognised and awarded for their amazing efforts of writing and publishing their books! The Book Box was created so that all the avid readers out there could enjoy the amazing books that we have to offer in our bookstore. We are very excited to be sending out your very own book box each month....Happy Reading, Sue xx
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and get your “Book Box” on it's way to you today.
The Book Box
Delivered Straight to your door each month
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