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Our Author Highlight of the Month: Sonia Young


Sonia Young

Sonia Young grew up on a hobby farm at Vineyard in the Hawkesbury Area of NSW. After getting married she moved to a nearby suburb and raised three children. She discovered the gift of poetry at the age of forty four. Embracing this gift she went on to write over 30 poems. Most of which are contained in this book. Being the first book of poems she has written she hopes it will be well received.

Reciting her poem “It’s the first ANZAC day” at the Dawn service in Kurrajong NSW, 2018 to over 1000 people has been one of the highlights of her writing career. It was very touching with many shedding a tear or two. She still lives in the Hawkesbury and attends Hawkesbury Valley Toastmaster meetings where she can practice reciting her poems in front of an audience.

Books by Sonia Young

My Poetic Journey

My Poetic Journey

Be inspired by first time writer Sonia Young as she takes you through her inspirational journey of grief, love and humor.

In the beginning her pain and grief can be felt in the poems “My Son Alistair James Young” and “It’s the first ANZAC day”.  Poems written about the loss of her first born baby and her father.

As you continue through the book poems such as “Riptide”, “Shipwreck” and “GOD, Please help me today” emerge. Written from the heart, at her lowest emotional point.

As her mood changes from pain and grief, through acceptance to finally happiness and contentment, it can be felt through the poems such as “Reflections”, “What makes a great Man” and “Four Sheep in a Shed”, which are contained in the sections of Spiritual, Close to my heart and Whimsical.

By the end of the book your spirits will be uplifted and a smile will emerge.

Reading these poems, hopefully you can relate to the poet and be inspired to let your emotions flow as she has done through her writings.

Hidden Treasures

Hidden Treasures

Come on a playful day out as two children go on a hunt to find the hidden treasures that God has placed inside of them. They could be from the heart – love kindness and respect or from the mind – learning how to play cricket or dancing. When they find them, they have fun sharing them with somebody new, helping them to see that they too have hidden treasures in them that they can discover.

Hope you enjoyed learning more about our author of the month!

Would like to be on our list of authors? Become a member today and reap the benefits of being a part of the Author Academy Bookstore!

For more information, please click here.

Author Interview – Getting to Know More About Sonia Young

Sonia Young
Sonia Young

Who Is Sonia Young?

  1. What inspired you to write a book?

Grief and wanting to share the story about the loss of my first born baby. Even though I started writing this book years ago. I have not finished it but I have published two other books.

  1. Who is your favourite author and why?

I don't have a favourite author.

  1. What is your favourite food?

I have a sweet tooth so I would have to say chocolate.

  1. What do you like to do when you are not writing?

When I am not writing I work as a carer, which I really enjoy. I also like to spend time with the family.

  1. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

Don't remember having my heart set on anything but after doing work experience at the age of 15 at Castle Hill RSL I decided I wanted to become a Chef.

  1. What do you think makes a good story?

True stories with spiritual overtones.

         7. What was one of the most surprising things you learned from writing your book?    

I was surprised with my ability to write poetry.

  1. When did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

A few years after my baby died I wanted to write my story but didn't see myself as a writer.

  1. How long does it take you write a book?

Depends on what I am working on. My Poetic Journey and Hidden Treasures took approximately one year to write. The book I am working on now is going to take a lot longer.

  1. Can you share with us what your next book will be about?

My next book is about my parents. I am writing it with my mother from her perspective. My dad was an incomplete quadriplegic and Mum was his full time carer. They travelled a lot around Australia. First in a Combi with the wheelchair tied to the back, then in a Motorhome. They had some great adventures in between hospital visits and Dad's surgeries.

Books by Sonia Young

Hidden Treasures

My Poetic Journey

Hope you enjoyed learning more about Sonia Young.

Would like to be on our list of authors? Become a member today and reap the benefits of being a part of the Author Academy Bookstore!

For more information, please click here.
