Jennifer Navin

Jennifer Navin

Jennifer Navin

I am my own person and to me family is everything.

My dream of doing medicine was not to be realised, when in year twelve I knew I would not get the grades needed to study medicine, so I entered nursing at Royal North Shore Hospital and loved every minute of my time there. After a stint at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne I left for Europe and the ubiquitous bus trip, a right of passage for the young Australian back in the late seventies.

With Danica’s death, I reached crossroads and decisions needed to be made on where my career was to go. I did go to University as a mature aged student and over the years of juggling parenthood, part time work and study I gained a Bachelor of Nursing, Diploma of Gerontology and a Masters in Aged Care Management.

I am currently employed by NSW Health. Working as an aged care nurse is a profession I love and caring and assisting the older person and their families with today’s complex health system, is a joy and a privilege. 

I have always enjoyed writing and reading the written word. Riding the Rainbow. is my first book. It is written over many years and spans two centuries. With time, there is progress and change but the essence of the message in the book remains unchanged with time and will continue to do so.

There will always be an element of risk in pregnancy and childbirth.

There will always be families who have been affected by the shock of disability.

There will always be a need for medical, therapy and social assistance for these families.

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