Paul Rushworth-Brown

Paul Rushworth-Brown

Paul Rushworth-Brown

Paul Rushworth-Brown was born in Maidstone, Kent, England in 1962. He spent time in a foster home in Manchester before emigrating to Canada with his mother in 1972. Paul was educated at Charles Sturt University in New South Wales, Australia. He became a writer in 2015 when he embarked on a six-month project to produce a written family history for his children, Rachael, Christopher and Hayley. Through this research, he developed a passion for writing and his published novels 'Skulduggery', 'Red Winter Journey' and 'Dream of Courage' is a continuation on from this. Paul has been a guest on the ABC, BBC, America Tonight with Kate Delaney and the Witty Writers show with Beth Worsdell and continues to grow a large and faithful readership.

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